Battlefield Return

Battlefield Return

Veterans of World War II and the Cold War have the opportunity to revisit the battlefields, contemplate their experiences, navigate the complexities of their service, and achieve emotional closure. This surpasses simple healing; our objective is to empower veterans to leverage their unique perspectives, transforming their experiences into significant educational resources for future generations. Programs are offered for combat veterans to visit France; Germany; South Korea; and Hawaii. If you are a combat veteran or a veteran who has been deployed to one of the aforementioned locations and wish to return with our organization, please contact us directly. 

How to Apply…

  • Proof of Military Service

    To initiate the process, it is necessary to submit a formal letter of introduction to the Foundation, wherein you convey your sincere desire to revisit the conflict zones. Kindly provide a succinct summary of your military service, including the specific locations where you were stationed, and elucidate your willingness to share your readiness to share your stories of service,

  • Clean Bill of Health

    Obtaining comprehensive medical clearance is crucial for a successful process of reintegration. Given our intention to place you at the heart of the battlefield, it may be necessary to navigate through arduous terrain by foot. Our programs are characterized by their authentic, scrupulous, and comprehensive preparation. Ensuring the preservation of one's well-being is of utmost importance.

  • Respect the Mission

    The very fact of your presence in the world today can be traced back to the altruistic deeds undertaken by those in your immediate surroundings. The Foundation community enrichment programs aptly demonstrate the profound gratitude our nation owes to the veterans who have faithfully served throughout our country's rich history, spanning every decade, year, and day.

"I strongly advocate for all veterans to engage in a battlefield return, irrespective of any internal conflicts they may be experiencing." 
~ Arthur MEYERS, 91st Bomb Group

“Out of the 16 million Americans who served in World War II, approximately 93,000 remain as of Dec 31, 2024.”

~ The Greatest Generations Foundation